September 13
The Man Who Knew Too Much by GK Chesterton
Carole Morris
October 11
Miss Pettigrew lives For a Day by Winefred Wilson
Mary Emily Chernoff
A Month in the Country by JL Carr
Terrie Walz
December 13
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
Barb Stirling
January 10
Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn
Meg Jones
February 14
The Host by Stephanis Meyer
Katie Dimitry
March 14
The Roots of Obama's Rage by Dinesh d'Sousa
Megan Smillie
April 11
The Spear by Louis de Wohl
Nancy Reiter
May 9
Mr. Blue by Miles Connelly
Lisa Irbeck
June 13
The Fall of Rome by RA Lafferty
Jennifer Spurgin